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Indiana Officer

    I have to tell you, this is by far the fastest, most reliable holster I have ever used.  A few years ago, I was on the receiving end of a 6'2" 260 lb angry drunk's fury, and he attempted to take my duty weapon out of my holster.  I was wearing a Safariland SSIII at the time, and he managed to unsnap one of the snaps.  If he had pulled just a little more in the other direction, the holster would have been defeated.  A minor traffic stop ended with an assortment of felony charges, and one injured bad guy.

    After that incident, I was on a personal quest to find a better holster.  I believe I have found it.  It took me some time to get over the size difference, but once you get used to it, it's not much different than other security holsters. 

    I did not imagine that a simple holster would cause such a stir at my 400 member department.  Several times a night, officers are approaching me wanting to see my Professional.  I tell them to try and remove the gun from the holster.  They try and try, and not once has an officer, a trained officer, been able to remove the gun - even as I stand there without resistance! 

    I have sold at least 5 other officers so far on your product.  They wanted the information on where to order theirs.  I have even passed around the dvd video that came with the holster.

    Thank you for making such a great holster!

       A. I.

© 2016 Gould & Goodrich, Inc. All rights reserved.      709 E. McNeill Street, Lillington, NC 27546     910-893-2071

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