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Veteran of 40 Years
Firearms instructor for over 30 years:
I am writing because I couldn't be any more pleased with my new Tactical Design holster and I want to give you reasons of why I am pleased.
First, I have been a Police Officer in Idaho from October of 1968. In January of 2008 I received a new weapon and was required to go through a three Firearms Training Course. I had two of the instructors help me with my new SFL holster so I could get the weapon into and then back out of the holster. It was difficult, at best. All of this was done during the "in-door" training session and by the time we went out-side, I had a couple of cuts on my gun hand and sore fingers. Then, by the end of the first day, three fingers and my thumb on my gun hand were sore and bleeding. My hands hurt so badly, I was refusing to snap the back strap, thus defeating the purpose of this style holster.
The second day of training was to start at 1100 hours and I made my mind up to go to Tactical Design Labs and see Mike Lowe. I took off the SFL holster and put on my new Tactical Design Labs holster. That day, during break times and during the lunch time I practiced with the new equipment. At the end of the second training day, one of the instructors told me that I was the fastest out of the holster. When I got to the range for the third day of training, I had no thoughts of not being to perform a comfortable and positive draw each time I needed it and sometime during the day, I realized how easy it was to re-holster my weapon, almost without thinking about it.
Now comes something very interesting to me. Qualification scores are extremely important to me and anything less than three hundred (300) is unacceptable. So, when I shot a 264 on the first day, I was disgusted with myself. I sat and thought of why, and then only reason I could find was, my gun hand was cut, swollen, and it hurt badly. The second day, I shot a 291 and on the third and final day, I was back to shooting 300. Yes, sight alignment is considered most important, but "grip on the weapon" is second. When my hand hurt and was swollen, I couldn't shoot well, but when my hand was almost painless, I did my job.
Finally, I am no stranger to new concepts in Law Enforcement, but I believe in and have faith in this new Tactical Designed holster. Yes, it is made for a fast draw, but equally and probably more important was the ease and freedom of worry about securing my weapon back into the holster.
I have been a Firearms Instructor for over 30 years and during the course of time, have demonstrated the draw and re-holster of the handgun thousands of times. I have dealt with the sore hands repeatedly before, simply because I have had no other option. Now I do have another option and it is called the Tactical Design holster. For me, if I was to go to any agency that issued a weapon without a Tactical Designed holster being available, I would not work there.
I can not thank you enough!